Next Gen Technology: ..... so much more than anti-virus
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PLEASE NOTE:  TECHS REMOTE is an over the internet service for supporting & maintaining your PC..

Many repairs can be & will be delivered directly to you at your location, over the internet.
Sometimes, it is not always possible to solve all computer problems remotely,

                       even with our TECHS REMOTE over internet connection.
                       In such circumstances, our Technician will advise, when evident, and recommend an on-site call-out,
                       or delivery of your equipment to our Tech Centre, to resolve the problem, if necessay.

                       Each computer has its own subtleties and uniqueness,
                       which leads to very individual solutions to most issues.
                       There are no general fixes for all problems,
                       only specific ones that correspond to your particular computer's condition.

                       Our Technicians will guide you with the most appropriate solution for you,
                       when they come back to you, in a Service Request.

PAYMENT:         No charge or payment is required to lodge Service Request

                      The TECHS REMOTE range of products are chargeable services, as per our published rates.
                      These may be purchased from our website or within a support session, once established.
                      (Pricing rates, terms and conditions are subject to change without notification)

                       Work will be agreed to only if the customer has unused, purchased TECHS REMOTE services / time

                       When work to Assess, Provide Advice, Troubleshoot or other Support requiring  remote connection is accepted by you,
                       we will deduct the quoted time used from your pre-purchased TECHS REMOTE service immediately upon connection.

                      TECH TIME Remote Support sessions are purchased & consumed in block multiples of 60 minutes.  

Any additional TECH TIME may be purchased at any stage, if insufficient time has been purchased to allow for the completion of requested work.

VALIDITY:      Pre-purchased TECHS REMOTE support time must be used within 12 months of purchase and is not transferrable.

SERVICE:       Support connections are avilable Monday - Friday, 9am - 5 pm Australian Easterrn Time, as available slots permit.


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